Expressions of Interest: Young Oncologist Group of Australia (YOGA) Committee in 2025
Medical Oncology Group of Australia (MOGA) invites Young Oncologist Members to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) to join the Young Oncologist Group of Australia (YOGA) Committee in 2025. MOGA would like to sincerely thank State Reps stepping down in 2025 - Dr Meagan Inglis (VIC), Dr James McCracken (VIC) and Dr Nicola O’Neill (WA). Continuing State Reps are:
Dr Andrew Parsonson - NSW
Dr Elizabeth Connolly - NSW
Dr Mark Nalder - QLD
Dr Tim Slattery – WA
More information about the Committee can be found on the YOGA Committee webpage.
If you wish to nominate to join or are a MOGA member who would like to nominate a candidate to join the YOGA Committee, please complete and submit the online MOGA EOI Form, including a CV and brief supporting statement by close of business on Friday, 4 April 2025.
Only Young Oncologists (YOGA) who have been financial members of MOGA are eligible for appointment to the Committee. Young Oncologists are consultant medical oncologists who are working in all States and Territories of Australia, are financial members of MOGA and who are within five years of receipt of their fellowship (FRACP or equivalent).
Young Oncologists Group of Australia (YOGA) Terms of Reference
The Young Oncologists Group of Australia (YOGA) was established in 2014. YOGA aims to provide young medical oncologists who have attained their fellowship within the last five years and are MOGA members with a networking framework and assistance to facilitate their transition from advanced trainee to consultant.
Activities / Purpose
The role of YOGA is to create and implement educational and professional programs relevant to young Australian oncologists in their daily practice and/or research activities. However, the broader activities of the group in the future will include:
Informing and advising the MOGA Executive about workplace, professional challenges and career development issues concerning Australian young oncologists.
Developing an annual Australian YOGA Education Program as well as serving on the Planning Committees for the development and funding of these programs.
Enhancing young Australian oncologists’ expertise for future practice and career development
To encourage and facilitate the professional development, peer support and representation of Young Oncologists.
Promoting opportunities for developing research skills and conducting research among young Australian oncologists.
Working and collaborating with global young oncologist networks and organisations.
Membership applications may be made via the MOGA website at
Membership is open to all Medical Oncologists who have obtained their FRACP within 5 calendar years and who are financial members of MOGA.
MOGA maintains a register of membership details including date of FRACP
Membership may be cancelled at the request of the member at any time by notifying MOGA Secretariat.
Committee Composition and Structure
The YOGA committee is a sub-committee of the Medical Oncology Group of Australia;
The YOGA Committee will consist of 3-6 representatives preferably one from each State and Territory (minimum requirement 2 representatives from different states/territories) and members will hold office for a minimum of 2 years with a 1-year extension.
The Chair is appointed by the committee after an annual Call for Nominations for new members has been completed.
Between 2-4 Committee Meetings per annum as required.