Join our network of over 600 medical oncologists who receive:
Specialist quality education via MOGA Annual Scientific Meeting and access to other programs and workshops throughout the year, including the Australia and Asia Pacific Clinical Oncology Research Development (ACORD) Workshop » ALL PROGRAMS
Professional opportunities
Exercise your leadership skills by joining our committees, conveining education programs, nominating to provide advice to government and attending MOGA mentoriship program. Newer Fellows can also join the Young Oncologists Group of Australia (YOGA) » ALL Committees
The National Oncology Mentorship Program (NOMP) is exclusive to MOGA members. The program provides a forum for oncology trainees and young oncologists to debrief with more senior colleagues on the challenges they face, whilst also increasing professional fulfilment for mentors
MOGA Members can apply for Travel Awards to fund their attendance at MOGA Annual Scientific Meeting and ESMO Asia. Members can also be nominated for our annual Cancer Achievement and Professor Martin Tattersall Heroes Award
ESMO Membership
MOGA’s reciprocal agreement with ESMO allows members to receive the benefits of ESMO membership at a 25% reduction. Members also enjoy a simplified application process when applying for ESMO membership
Public policy and advocacy
MOGA represents Medical Oncology specialists at the national level. MOGA contribute to the training of Medical Oncologists in Australia and advocate for improved access, affordability, and equity of cancer services
Members receive our monthly E-News which includes news, education and the latest jobs, and occasional alerts on priority issues of key professional interest (such as drug shortages). Members also connect with each other on our social networks.
Access to The Lancet Oncology
Members receive free access to the monthly digital version of The Lancet Oncology, which publishes original research, authoritative review, opinion pieces, and news to provide coverage aiming to advance clinical practice, advocate change in health policy and tackle issues related to global oncology
Job postings
Members have access to unlimited complimentary position advertisements via MOGA E-News, website and social media. Supervisors can reach their target audience and save more than their annual membership fee with just one posting per year
Clinical BEST practice
MOGA collaborates with all Australian oncology stakeholders in the preparation and dissemination of practice guidelines and clinical tools to guide and support medical oncologists in the provision of quality cancer care and management both locally and globally
MOGA website and communications provide useful professional materials including the Resources section with position statements, clinical practice guidelines, publications and e-learning materials
MOGA takes a leading and supporting role in research and discovery regarding cancer, oncology drugs as well as patient care. Many opportunities are available to support your research activities throughout your training including the Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology