Annual General Meeting
Notice of Annual General Meeting (AGM) | Online 2024 AGM
Medical Oncology Group of Australia Incorporated (MOGA)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be conducted solely online by means of remote communication via Zoom.
Members may attend the meeting by logging into the online AGM from 11.00am AEST on Friday 20 September 2024. Separate instructions for how to attend the meeting will be provided close to the date.
The following business will be conducted at the AGM:
The receipt and consideration of the annual report of the MOGA Executive;
The consideration of the annual financial report of the MOGA Executive Office Bearers and the auditor’s report;
To declare the results of the election/nomination process for members of the MOGA Executive;
Adoption of Special Resolution 1/2024* to consider and, if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as a Special Resolution: “That with effect from the close of this meeting, to amend clause 45 in the current constitution so as to include the below sub clause at s.45.3:
(1) If the fund, authority or institution is wound up or if the endorsement (if any) of the organisation as a deductible gift recipient for the operation of the fund, authority or institution is revoked, any surplus assets of the gift fund remaining after the payment of liabilities attributable to it, shall be transferred to a fund, authority or institution to which income tax-deductible gifts can be made.”
The Association will apply for deductible gift recipient status income tax exemption, FBT exemption and GST concession following the adoption of the amended Constitution.
a. Proposed: Prof Phil Parente, Treasurer
b. Seconded: A/Prof Melissa Eastgate, Chair
To transact any other business necessary to be conducted at the AGM;
Members Questions.
Cast your vote at the 2024 Online Annual General Meeting - Medical Oncology Group of Australia on Agenda Item 4: Special Resolution 1/2024*
*Explanatory Note:
As the national, professional organisation for Australian Medical Oncologists and the specialty of Medical Oncology with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, MOGA operates as a not for profit, Association established under the NSW Fair Trading Act 1984 (NSW). The Constitution (often referred to as Rules) of a not-for-profit are the guidelines for running the organisation, and it is a legal requirement that an organisation and its members comply with their Constitution.
In early 2023 MOGA Secretariat prepared a submission to qualify MOGA as a health promotion charity registered as deductible gift recipient (DGR). The status has been granted by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and it will now offer significant benefits, primarily in terms of attracting donations and providing tax incentives for donors including the key advantages below:
Tax-deductible donations: Organizations with DGR status can receive donations that are tax-deductible for the donors. This means that individuals or businesses who make contributions to the association can claim deductions on their taxable income when filing their annual tax returns.
Increased donor appeal: DGR status makes the association more attractive to potential donors, as they have a financial incentive to contribute. This can lead to increased funding opportunities and support of MOGA's activities.
Eligibility for certain grants: Some grant programs and funding opportunities may require DGR status as a prerequisite for application, potentially opening up additional sources of financial support for the association.
Enhanced credibility: Obtaining DGR status can boost the association's credibility and reputation, as it demonstrates compliance with specific regulatory requirements and recognition by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
Ability to operate specific funds: DGR status allows associations to establish and operate certain types of funds, such as building funds or scholarship funds, which can be used for specific purposes aligned with MOGA's mission.
By obtaining DGR status, MOGA can enhance its fundraising capabilities and provide tangible benefits to their donors, ultimately supporting their members and activities more effectively.
We thank you for your interest in MOGA - our national, professional organisation.
Prof Phil Parente
Treasurer, Medical Oncology Group of Australia
Key Dates
Nominations due Friday 6 September
Proxy deadline Friday 13 September
AGM Friday 20 September, 11.00am - 12:00pm AEST
Quick Links
Executive Committee Nomination Form Appointment of Proxy Form
Cast your vote at the 2024 Online Annual General Meeting - Medical Oncology Group of Australia on Agenda Item 4: Special Resolution 1/2024*
All Standard and Honorary members of the Association are entitled to vote, provided they are financial in accordance with the Constitution of the Association. If you wish to appoint a proxy you must submit a completed and signed copy of the proxy form provided with this notice of the AGM. The proxy form must be received at the MOGA Secretariat via email to moga@moga.org.au by no later than close of business on Friday 13 September 2024.
Instructions for participating in the 2024 MOGA Online AGM
Attending the Online AGM
MOGA members may join the meeting through the online meeting login provided by email.
MOGA members will be able to submit questions or comments during the meeting through the chat function.
Questions will be answered as the allotted meeting time permits. We cannot ensure that every member who wishes to have a question or comment addressed during the meeting will be able to do so, but all questions not addressed will be responded to formally in writing after the AGM.
Members will be able to register their vote/s prior to and during the online AGM.
If you encounter any technical difficulties, technical support will be available beginning at 10.30am AEST on Friday 20 September 2024 to moga@moga.org.au and will remain available until the meeting has ended.
Call for Nominations 2024 | Executive Committee of MOGA
The MOGA Executive Committee consists of eleven members, including the Chair, Deputy Chair and Treasurer, the Immediate Past Chair and seven other elected members plus the National Trainee Representative (ex-officio).
A/Prof James Lynam, Dr Jess Smith and Prof Desmond Yip will end their current term of appointment on the Executive Committee at the Online 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held on Friday 20 September from 11.00am AEST. Dr Deme Karikios will retire as the previous Chair, having served an additional term. Prof Yip will complete his current term of office and will be stepping off the Executive.
A/Prof Lynam is eligible and has determined to re-nominate to remain on the Executive.The other continuing members of the Executive include A/Prof Melissa Eastgate, Prof Phil Parente, A/Prof Tim Clay, A/Prof Connie Diakos, Dr Jenny Liu, Dr Anna Mislang and the National Trainee Representative Dr Gowri Shivasabesan.
Accordingly, there will be four available vacancies on the Executive Committee.
If you wish to stand for election to the Executive Committee or would like to nominate a candidate, please complete and return a nomination form together with a photo and brief biography of the nominee. Nominations must be received at the MOGA Secretariat by email to moga@moga.org.au by close of business on Friday 6 September 2024.
If there are more nominations than positions vacant, an election will take place so that the Committee can be formalised and the incoming Executive members will be announced at the 2024 Online AGM.