In-depth training on the latest advancements in breast cancer management for young medical oncologists and advanced trainees

Friday, 31 October - Saturday, 1 November 2025

Venue: The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP)

RACP - Nura 1 & 2 at 1 O’Connell Street Sydney NSW 2000

Co- Convenors: A/Prof Connie Diakos and Dr Lina Pugliano

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The MOGA breast cancer preceptorship aims to immerse advanced trainees and fellows in the evolving landscape of breast cancer treatment by providing an in-depth exploration of the pivotal clinical trials conducted over the past decade. Participants will delve into landmark studies, including those leading to the approval of CDK4/6 inhibitors, PARP inhibitors, and HER2-targeted therapies, examining their design, methodologies, and outcomes. The program will encourage critical analysis of these trials, assessing their impact on clinical practice, advancements in personalised medicine, and improvements in patient outcomes. By critiquing these studies, trainees will develop a nuanced understanding of evidence-based treatment strategies and the complexities involved in translating clinical research into routine care, ultimately enhancing their ability to contribute to future innovations in breast cancer therapy. 

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Learning Objectives: 

1. Deepen understanding of contemporary breast cancer clinical trials to enhance holistic and optimised treatment of patients with breast cancer 

2. Development of critical thinking through appraisal of research studies, assessing their validity, relevance, and applicability to clinical practice 

3. Develop appreciation of the role of multidisciplinary care in the management of patients with breast cancer 

The program will comprise presentations by Preceptees, lectures and discussions over 1.5 days. Preceptees will propose a paper for presentation as part of their registration. Presentations will run for approximately 10 minutes followed by discussion. Preceptors will assist their allocated Preceptees with their presentations as part of the Preceptorship.

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Target Audience:

Up to 35 young medical oncologists (within 5 years of receipt of fellowship) and Advanced Trainees from around Australia will be invited to register as Preceptees for the program. Up to 12 early to mid-career medical oncologists with breast experience will be invited to participate in the program as Preceptors.

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Application Process:

Applicants will be selected on merit as a part of a competitive application process that will be open to MOGA Members. Selection will be based upon the application form detailing the applicants’ interest and motivation in completing this course.

Participants will be provided with registration, all course materials and day catering including a Networking Reception. Support for travel and accommodation will be provided for interstate and regional participants.    

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Day 1

8.00am Registration (Tea and coffee) 

8.30am Welcome  

8.30am Session 1: Neoadjuvant HR+, TNBC, HER2+   

9.50am Sponsor Presentation

10:00am Morning Tea  

10.15am Session 2: Case Presentations 1   

11.30am Session 3: Adjuvant HR+, TNBC, HER2+   

12.45pm Lunch  

1.30 pm Session 4: Case Presentations 2   

2.45pm Sponsor Presentation

2.55pm Session 5: Careers  

3.25pm Session 6: Metastatic HR+, TNBC    

4.40pm Networking Reception  

Day 2

8.30am Arrival Tea and Coffee  

8.30am Session 7: Metastatic HER2+, HER2 Low   

9.45am Sponsor Presentation

9.55am Morning Tea 

10.25am Session 8: Case Presentations 3 

11.40am Finish

*Program subject to change


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Call for Expressions of Interest – Preceptors for MOGA Breast Cancer Preceptorship 2025 

MOGA is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from early to mid-career medical oncologists interested in volunteering to be Preceptors for the MOGA Breast Cancer Preceptorship 2025. The Preceptorship will take place for 1.5 days on Friday, 31 October - Saturday, 1 November 2025 in Sydney.  

The Preceptorship will be convened by A/Prof Connie Diakos and Dr Lina Pugliano.  

The program will comprise presentations by up to 35 Preceptees and a networking reception. Preceptors will assist 1 – 2 Preceptees with their presentations as part of the Preceptorship. Registration, accommodation and travel support will be provided.  

Medical oncologists with breast expertise from any part of Australia are welcome to submit an EOI. EOIs including a brief statement to support your EOI and a copy of your CV should be sent by email to by COB Friday 29 August 2025. Please reach out if you have any questions about the role.