MOGA Oncology Drugs Working Group Update

The MOGA Oncology Drugs Working Group (ODWG) is currently working on several new ventures nationally to address emerging issues and ensure access to oncology drugs and therapies for our patients. 

The Group has expanded to include new members Drs Sam Stevens, Lucy Cork and Jennifer Soon with A/Prof James Lynam representing the Executive. The Group will be calling on the expertise of other members as required and seeking additional members going forward as part of a succession plan. If you are interested in assisting the Group or becoming a MOGA Expert, an EOI will be circulated shortly. The Group will be Co-Chaired in the short term by Drs Deme Karikios and Dr Christopher Steer, until the latter steps down when a successor is in place.

Representing MOGA, Dr Lucy Cork, joined other stakeholders from the Learned Collegiate professional organisations in early September as part of the opioid discontinuation Medicine Shortage Action Group (MSAG) for a briefing on current developments and to discuss future options.   

MOGA was also invited to meet on 19 August with Professor Robyn Ward, the new PBAC Chair, to consider future professional engagement with the new PBAC leadership team. In response the ODWG has developed a plan to focus on 3 strategic areas over the next 6-12 months, working in close collaboration with the PBAC, as follows:

  • Reviewing and updating PBS Listings with a focus to improve access and cost-effectiveness 

  • Non-TGA Registered and Non-PBS Listed Drugs 

  • Immunotherapy Retreatment and Genomic Testing 

The PBAC hope that the collaboration with MOGA will provide a model for their future  engagement with other medical professional organisations and we are excited professionally to have been approached to assist with this important opportunity.

A/ Prof Melissa Eastgate, MOGA Chair




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