14-16 August 2024 | International Convention Centre (ICC) Sydney, NSW
About the Meeting
In 2024 oncologists from around Australia are looking forward to gathering in Sydney for our prestigious 45th Annual Scientific Meeting. This year’s theme, Caring for Tomorrow: Bridges in Cancer Care Technology and Innovation promises an enriching educational agenda that will delve into the latest breakthroughs in cancer treatment and research, whilst offering attendees a platform for networking and collaboration. International and local speakers will draw from their innovative work in areas including AI, solid and liquid precision medicine, radiomics and novel drug development to inspire and educate attendees.
The meeting will also encompass a range of activities including engaging Scientific Sessions, Abstract Presentations, Mentorship Program, Trainee and YOGA Programs and Social Events around the Darling Harbour precinct. The meeting will incorporate a large Industry Exhibition with over 30 stands, Networking Lounge and extensive Poster Display.
We look forward to welcoming you to Sydney for Australia’s premier Medical Oncology meeting.
A/Prof Connie Diakos and Dr Adrian Lee
2024 ASM Co-Convenors
Call for Abstracts 19 Feb
Early Bird registration opens 1 Mar
Early Bird registration closes 15 Jun
Call for Abstracts closes 30 Jun
Abstract selection advice 12 Jul
Only abstracts submitted by oncology trainees, clinicians, professionals and researchers can be submitted. Refer to Program Guidelines for more info.
Abstracts Frequently asked questions and Key Dates
Welcome Reception + Poster Walk and Talk - Thursday 15 August from 4.15 pm
ICC Sydney
ASM Dinner - Thursday 15 August from 6.00 pmW Sydney Darling Harbour

9.00am | National Oncology Mentorship Program (NOMP)
10.30am | Morning Tea
12.00pm | Lunch
1.00pm | Symposium: Health Technology Assessment Fit for the Future
3.00pm | Afternoon Tea
4.00pm | Trainee Program: Emerging Fields
4.00pm | YOGA Program: Precision Medicine for Young Oncologists: What You Need to Know
9.00am | Opening Ceremony
9.45am | Morning Tea
10.15am | Highlight Session: Incorporating AI into Oncology Practice
11.45am | Members' Meeting: RACP ATC-MO Update
12.15pm | Lunch
12.45pm | Symposium: Use of Technology and Management of Lung Cancer Patients
1.45pm | Oral Session – Trainees
2.45pm | Afternoon Tea
3.15pm | Symposium: Unavailable Anti-cancer Treatments: A Common Clinical Dilemma
4.15pm | Welcome Reception & Poster Walk and Talk
6.00pm | ASM Dinner
8.00am | Breakfast Session: Mesothelioma: Recent Advances in Systemic Therapy
9.00am | Highlight Session: Solid Precision Medicine
10.00am | Morning Tea
10.30am| Oral Session – Young Oncologists
11.30am | Symposium: Liquid Precision Medicine
12.30pm | Lunch
1.00pm | Transforming Cancer Care in Australia: The Impact of Precision Oncology and Omico's Role in Advancing Treatment1.30pm | Oral Session – Consultants
2.30pm | Symposium: Radiomics
3.30pm | Multicultural Afternoon Tea
4.00pm | Interactive Equity Session: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in Medical Oncology – We Are all in this Together
5.00pm | ASM Close
(All amounts + GST)
FULL MEETING Registration
Trainee / Student (MOGA Member) AUD$250
Consultant (MOGA Member) AUD$350
Industry AUD$1000
Non Member Medical Professional AUD$450
Nurses/Allied Health Professional AUD$300
SINGLE DAY Registration
Trainee / Student (MOGA Member) AUD$150
Consultant (MOGA Member) AUD$210
Industry AUD$600
Non Member Medical Professional AUD$270
Nurses/Allied Health Professional AUD$180
Discounted registration available for MOGA members
International Speakers
National Speakers & Chairs
This Award seeks to recognise contributions by medical oncologists that honour the spirit and commitment of the late Prof Martin Tattersall AO, and his significant contributions to the establishment and development medical oncology in Australia.
2024 Award Recipient: Professor Dorothy Keefe
Prof Keefe was nominated for her significant contribution to Medical Oncology in Australia and the profession over 30 years in clinical medicine, research, policy, strategy and system reform – always striving to improve health outcomes for citizens by keeping them at the centre of everything she does. Her achievements as CEO of Cancer Australia, including leading advocacy for a National Lung Cancer Screening Program and launching the first ever Australian Cancer Plan, are further evidence of an exemplary career to date.
The Award will be presented at the 2024 MOGA Annual Scientific Meeting Welcome Reception on Thursday, 15 August at International Convention Centre (ICC) Sydney.
Supported by an unrestricted educational grant provided by Genesis Care
This award will go to the top 3x oral presentations at the symposium in the following categories:
Best Oral Presentation by a Medical Oncology Trainee
| Dr Amy Smith
Best Oral Presentation by a Young Medical Oncologist (within 5 years of receipt of Fellowship)
| Dr Lawrence Kasherman
Best Oral Presentation by a Medical Oncology Consultant
| A/Prof Rahul Ladwa
*For members of MOGA only: Each Award provides funding of AUD$3,000 to support the recipient’s professional education and research.
Supported by an unrestricted educational grant provided by GSK
MOGA is offering 8x travel awards to advanced trainees and young oncologists (within 5 years of Fellowship) to support their attendance at the 2024 MOGA Annual Scientific Meeting. Eligibility is exclusive to MOGA members.
Award recipients will receive AUD $1000 to assist in covering their expenses (airfare, accommodation and registration) to attend the meeting.
Applications closed.
For more info, visit our Awards & Grants page.
Please contact moga@theconferencecompany.com to request a copy of the Prospectus and discuss sponsorship opportunities.
2024 ASM sponsors
Gold Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Abstract Awards Sponsor
Heroes Award Sponsor
Industry Innovator
Media Partner